On this episode of Virtual Coffee, I share my advice on shopping for Mother’s Day gifts while also supporting small and local businesses. We dive into the five love languages and discuss how to shop for your mom, or the mother figure in your life, based on their love language.
Still don’t know what to purchase for Mother’s Day? Message me on Instagram! I might have some ideas for you ☺️
Small businesses mentioned in this episode:
• Bomborama Bath Bombs (https://www.instagram.com/bomboramabathbombs/)
• Rescue Me Candle Co. (https://www.instagram.com/rescue_me_candle_co/)
• Hello Clutter (https://www.instagram.com/hello.clutter/)
• Macon Gardens (https://www.instagram.com/macongardens/)
• Mr Jones Watches (https://www.instagram.com/mrjoneswatches/)
• Curate (https://www.instagram.com/curateatcrabtree/)
• Honeygirl Meadery (https://www.instagram.com/honeygirlmeadery/)
• Valerosa Boutique (https://www.instagram.com/valerosaboutique_/)
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☕️ Email: virtualcoffeepodcast@gmail.com (mailto:virtualcoffeepodcast@gmail.com)
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Music: Blippy Trance by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5759-blippy-trance
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/